ABOUT OUR WEBSITEこのウェブサイトでは、日本各地で話されている色々なことばを見たり、聞いたり、学んだりできます。
In this website, you can watch, listen to, and learn a variety of languages in Japan.
Some languages look/sound very similar to Standard Japanese, while others are totally different.
Click on a tag that interests you and read articles.
In the article, you might learn the area where a language is spoken or the language itself.The ariticle might be about old stories by grandpas and grandmas who have spoken the language from their childhood;
Or, it might be about younger people who started to speak the language;Or, it might be about researchers who study the language.You might wonder the exact meaning of some expression or how to use the expression.Exactly for that purpose, articles for learning the language are available.
We have just come to this world, and the numbers of articles is small but is gradually increasing.
We are very happy if you are interested in some languages and the region, and want to visit there and speak the language.