イメージの説明テキストが入ります。撮影=水野暁子ENGLISH TEXT
基本的な母音は /a/ /i/ /u/ /ɨ/ です。他に、特別な場合に出てくる/e/、/o/があります。
In addition, /e/ and /o/ sometimes appear in special contexts.
/a/ and /i/ are pronounced almost in the same way as あ and い in Standard Japanese.
In writing, they are written as あ and い, respectively.
Long vowels (/aa/ and /ii/) are written as あー and いー instead of ああ and いい.
This rule applies in writing sounds of a consonant followed by a vowel.
/u/ is pronounced by raising back of the tongue and by rounding lips more tightly than う in Standard Japanese.
It is called high back vowel.
Long /u/ (/uu/) is written as うー in stead of うう.
Unlike う in Standard Japanese, /t/ and /d/ followed by /u/ are not affricated; /tu/ is pronounced as [tu] instead of [tsu], and /du/ as [du] instead of [dzu].
The pronunciations of /tu/ and /du/ are similar to those of 'two' and 'do' in English, respectively.
Visiting acquaintance's home
There is no greetings in entering someone's house unlike Standard Japanese (お邪魔します and ごめんください).
They might not have expressions for strangers' visiting people's house.
自然発話Spontaneous discourse
Mr.Nakama's Nishihara tour