基本的な母音は /a/ /i/ /u/ /ɨ/ です。他に、特別な場合に出てくる/e/、/o/があります。
In addition, /e/ and /o/ sometimes appear in special contexts.
/a/ and /i/ are pronounced almost in the same way as あ and い in Standard Japanese.
In writing, they are written as あ and い, respectively.
Long vowels (/aa/ and /ii/) are written as あー and いー instead of ああ and いい.
This rule applies in writing sounds of a consonant followed by a vowel.
/u/ is pronounced by raising back of the tongue and by rounding lips more tightly than う in Standard Japanese.
It is called high back vowel.
Long /u/ (/uu/) is written as うー in stead of うう.
Unlike う in Standard Japanese, /t/ and /d/ followed by /u/ are not affricated; /tu/ is pronounced as [tu] instead of [tsu], and /du/ as [du] instead of [dzu].
The pronunciations of /tu/ and /du/ are similar to those of 'two' and 'do' in English, respectively.